Been more at work than at home lately, and is a little lazy when it comes to posting these days. I went through the negatives from the portraits two weeks ago, and picked out about twenty photographs to choose from. She wanted all of them! She seemed very happy with the results, and so was I. You can see one of them here. It`s the one called Janne & Melissa. It`s impossible to upload it to this page. Don`t know why...
Today is my 34th birthday, and I have had a great day!!! This photograph is always being commented when people look through my prints. I hope some of you will comment too.
Gluecifer is one of my Norwegian favorite Rock-bands. I`ve seen them many times, and I`ve never been disappointed. They are very god live, they move a lot and is a joy to photograph. Unfortunately - it`s not very easy to get a camera through the turnstiles. Sometimes security is more strict at a concert than at an airport, and that`s why I sometimes let my camera stay at home, even though I know it want to come too. Rock mot Fotball (Rock against soccer) is a small festival that takes place here in Moss. This is where I photographed them, and truth is: I came home from work, fell asleep on my balcony, and woke up to a lot of noise. I thought it was my neighbors having a party, but this was not polka, it was Gluecifer calling! It took a five minute bikeride, a few beers, and four rolls of film to catch this moment. I think it was worth it.
I`ve been trying to post since last Saturday, but no matter what did, I just got the message "Upload error". I really don`t know why this photograph got accepted, and not the one I have been trying to post. Wasn`t even a rude photo, just an innocent mother and her child.
Looks like spring is here. The weather is great, and I have lots of plans. We have started working on our cabin again, we have to dig out lots of sand under one part of it, and build a storage-room there. We used a jack, and placed a 2 m. long piece of steel (from a railroad...) under it. I hope it `s enough to secure it and us while working... Now I`m about to develop the last roll from Sundays photosession. Been working late the last days, and didn`t have the energy to start developing late at night. Better hurry - I have a feeling that this last roll is a golden one...
Previous / Next This is one of the two pigs we used to visit on Sunday mornings. I`m not sure if this is Erling or Sylte (ham). It doesn`t matter. Haven`t seen them since a few weeks before Christmas, and don`t expect to see them again. At least not in this life. I photographed a friend and her 6 months old daughter yesterday, and now I`m developing all the film. My developer tanks can only handle one roll of 120 film, and that`s why this takes a while. I know I can insert two films on one reel, but I struggle too much, and don`t want to mess up anything. There`s a risk that the two films may overlap each other. I developed one roll of 35mm Agfa APX400, and one medium format APX100 yesterday. They turned out great. I just hung one roll to dry, and it looks like I have one or two good-ones there too. I hope to have a series of eight great photographs to give her, and with two more rolls in black & white - and two rolls of color film.... Well, looks like it`s possible. I used my studioflash most of the time, but I also shot one roll of 400 asa film, using only the soft light from our livingroom. Yesterday was quite cloudy, and the light that entered the window gave me shutterspeeds at about 1/30th to 1/60th of a second at f/1.8 and f 2. My old manual 50mm Nikkor lens has delivered before, and it looks like it did it again.
I hope she will let me post some of the photographs after she`s seen them. I would love to hear what you think about them too.
The Canon Canonet worked fine even though the lens was a little loose. It`s so easy to forget to focus with a rangefinder. Especially when things happen fast. Here, I almost walked right into the street when I spotted these characters. Unfortunately, I messed up while focusing, an old Opel Omega is in focus, a local hero with his pitbull lookalike is not. But I like it anyhow.
A friend of mine gave me a black Canon Canonet QL 17 and a Nikon Aw Af today.... The Canon is similar to my old one. The lens feels a little loose, but I hope to manage to tighten it. It`s the perfect street-shooter. It`s been called "The poor man`s Leica". Since I got two, I don`t consider myself poor anymore. The Nikon is an all weather point & shoot, and I`m so happy to get these kind of gifts. I`ll try one of them out tomorrow...
I`ve spent this years sunniest weekend in a room lit by a single red light. Asle Svarveruds B/W darkroom workshop is recomended! We watched him demonstrate how he made his beautiful prints, starting with a perfectly exposed negative, till the final print. He showed us how to selen-tone a print and a negative, and something called flashing. (No, not that kind). I knew I didn`t know much about making prints, but felt that I really learned a lot. Sometimes I pick up something from books, the net, or by asking people. The answers I get may sometimes be more confusing than informative - and that`s why I am so happy to be able to watch someone in action and see with my own eyes how things work.
On our Sunday-trips to Alby and Rød Gård, we always had to feed the minipigs at Alby. Their names was Erling and Sylte (Ham). We fed them with old bread and buns. Kaja used to divide the food in three piles because she was hungry too... Just before Christmas, Sylte was gone. We thought he was asleep in the barn, but next week I realized that Erling would live alone for a while, and Sylte was...Sylte. I told Kaja that he probably had moved to another farm, and we started to visit Rød Gård too. They have two pigs too, we don`t know their names, and I think it`s ok not to get too personal with these. After all - Barbecue-season has started.