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What a mess!
We`re trying to remove everything that is not needed so that the apartment looks bigger and more atractive to possible buyers. Our livingroom is filled with boxes, plastic bags, piles of old vinyl records, carpets and paintings. We take a drive every day after work to the house, and store our things in a bedroom on the second floor. Last saturday, we painted Linns new room. This weekend we`ll concentrate on the flooring.
Not much time for photography these days, but it`s ok.
The magic date is june 1st.
That`s soon.
Trust me.
Nikon D70s 
April 24th. 2006
Update: My computer is stored in a box, and I`ll have to wait a little while before I`m back on track... My guess is mid June. See you later!Alfred.
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We`re moving!
My parents wanted something easier to maintain than an old house, so they bought an apartment not far from here. We really need more space and stuff to do, so we bought their house.
(Well, atleast we said we want it, and when this apartment is sold - we`ll buy it.)
Our trip to New York in may has to wait.
Too many things have to be taken care of in the next couple of weeks.
It`s going to be great!
Here`s another photo of Leif Øyvind.
"It`s Øivind with an i, not a y", he said.
Nikon D-70s
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This is my friend Leif Øyvind. I shot almost 150 frames, and this one is my favourite. I`ll post one more in a few days.
"I`m not photogenic", he said.
Nikon D70s
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I`ve got nothing to say, but a lot`s on my mind...
Nikon D-70s
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We`re almost drowning in snow!
(Well, I`m not, but those who are less than 60 cm`s struggle.)
I spent a few hours in Oslo last night. I used theD-70 with its kit lens. It is not very fast, so I had to shoot at ISO 1600 to make sure the shutterspeed wasn`t too slow. The photographs turned out pretty "noicy".
Next time, I`ll remember to bring one of my old, and much faster primes.
I was a little concerned that my camera would be destroyed because of the bad weather, but it survived three hours in a heavy snowstorm. Not bad at all!
Nikon D-70s