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the photomuseum to me. Norways biggest collection of cameras, a huge library, and photographs, photographs, photographs! August 19th. is a special day: Magnum-photographer
Jonas Bendiksen, Leif Preus, Chris Boot and Vicky Goldberg are coming to the museum to celebrate "
Fotografiets dag". There will be a huge outdoor exhibition where 100 photographers will show their work. 24 of the photographers are invited, the rest were picked by a jury.
And what a jury!
I got a mail yesterday saying that I was invited, and that I could bring
Please don`t wake me.
Nikon D-70s

I promised to show you the results from our photoshoot, but because we have had such nice weather, I decided to stay away from my computer. To stay away actually helps: I`ve been shooting a lot, I`ve developed films, I`ve even broken more old cameras because I`m so eager to make one myself...
This is a terrible scan, I know. The last three frames are a different file. Don`t ask why. I just placed the negatives on the flatbed and scanned them. I need to remove some dust too, but not now.
Our goal was to check out the difference between the scanned negatives and the 6mp files from our digital cameras. Well I didn`t know that my scanner can only do flatbed scans at 300 dpi, it`s written all over it: Scan 4800 dpi, but I can`t figure out how to do it with the negatives. With a photograph, yes, a negative, no.
(It`s a Canon MP 810 if anyone knows how to do it.)
But what we did find out was that we enjoyed working with the analog camera, with the film, the developing of the film, and the looks of the scan. The dust and fingerprints made the photographs look more real and alive than the true digital files.
It also slowed us down - we`re used to shoot 100 + frames an hour, and with film, everything went so slow, we had to sit down and laugh!
Digital vs Film 0 - 1.
Hasselblad 503CX
Fuji Acros 100