I`ve developed lots of film lately. Scanned some of it too, but has to work on them in photoshop before they`re ready to be published. This photo is one of the few I`m happy with on a roll I forgot I had. I photographed early one morning just because I was tired of the dull flat light I`m used to. It`s impossible to guess what kind of light you get the next morning, so there was really just one option: Get out of bed at about six in the morning, grab a camera and get out.
This morning I was blessed with about one hour of magic light before everything changed.
Canon Canonet Ql 17
Kodak T-Max400

I got so inspired by
this blog, I had to do something really crazy!!!!!
But because I`m lazier than usual, I shot an UFO with a compact camera through an old Kodak Duaflex. All this craziness took about five minutes. And that includes twisting every button I know in Photoshop too. Someone hit me! I should be fully charged after a week in the sun, but I feel like I`m in a coma or something.

We came home from Egypt late last night. The trip was fantastic, couldn`t be better!
My head is full of memories, I don`t know where to start...
Sorry, I got to land - mentally too.
Samsung S630

I`m considering getting a new pair of shoes before winter arrives. They`re only ten years old, but that`s probably how long these kind of boots last. I bought my first pair of army-boots when I was sixteen, had them for ten years, bought these, and now they`re more or less dead.
Army-boots are like jeans. The longer you wear them, the more comfortable they get.
I won`t need them next week, though. Jeanette and I are leaving for Egypt!
Will bring Holga.
And a pair of sandals.
Nikon D-70s