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I`ve developed a few films again. I really wanted to shoot more film, but I hate to have unfinished stuff everywhere. Four rolls developed, three to go. Then it`s time to go out again.
I went out to try to catch some street scenes in January, and I usually bring my D-70s and one film camera. Usually a toycamera or the Canonet QL 1.7 GIII. This time I only brought the Hasselblad with an 80mm lens. And loads of film.
(I`ve posted some of the shots previously,
Smoke, and
Smoke II. (Great titles, eh ?))
I wanted to force myself to not just shoot, and edit later, a bad habit made possible by Dr. Digital... Instead I wanted to slow down, compose, and expose, and not worry about being noticed. Because it is impossible to not be seen with a big camera that shouts VRRRRCLACKSHHH every time I press the shutter. A DSLR makes noise too, but it`s a lot more descreet, and a more common sight to people.
With film, it`s like one good frame on each roll, and I`m happy!
Today, I spotted atleast five frames out of 24! I hope they scan easily!!!!
I Love/hate the camera I used to make todays post:
Holga 135BCLabels: Holga 135 bc, Kodak 400cn
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NextCall me naive, but I`m living next to an airbase, and it looks like the Norwegian airforce are about to understand what the world needs. Lets hope their new strategy works.

The holidays are over, and reality hit me last night, just a few hours before I had to go to work again. I needed some fresh air, took a long walk by the sea, and tried to convince myself that life`s not over. There is hope - there`s a light at the end of the tunnel!
The salty air and mother natures fresh breath did the trick: It suddenly hit me - I got no disease, no depression, no nothing! I just enjoy staying up late, sleeping for hours, and do nothing.
Work sucks.
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This photograph was made by shooting through the viewfinder of a crappy panoramic camera.
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I`ve been fooling around in photoshop a bit - there`s a few photographs on my harddrive that needs some altering before I`m totally happy with them. Problem is, I don`t know when to stop. I think I`ve reached a point here.
Nikon D-70s
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I`ve been terrybly busy watching TV and sleeping on the couch the last few days (weeks).
Went to the beach today, and woke up. Hopefully.
Nikon D-70s
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The Minox Leica M3 is truly strange! I would never tolerate all the fuzziness and weird behavior from any other camera. The colors are waaay off, straight lines often get curly, highlights gets blown away, and focusing... i don`t think so.
It`s perfect!
Minox Leica M3Labels: Minox Leica M3