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I`ve seen him before. This time he walked into the frame. He didn`t look happy.
I was.
Nikon D-70s

Just a quick post before I go to bed. Jeanette and I slept on the beach one night in Egypt, just to wake up to this. I`d do it again anytime.
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NextFound myself driving to work one hour too early a few days ago, so I stopped downtown and photographed.
I`m glad I did.
Wonder what would have happened if I didn`t show up at work at all ?
Leica M6
Kodak 400 TMY
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NextTodays photo was made using the digital Minox Leica M3. It`s the first digital camera I`ve ever had that keeps surprising me... Usually I check the screen and delete once on a while when I`m outside shooting, but this camera has the smallest screen, and the image is almost impossible to see unless I`m in a shaded aeria, so I tend to have a bunch of photos after even the shortest trip. The photos look rather strange straight out of the camera, with weird colors, flare and fuzziness, but after a small visit through photoshop (levels, brightness/contrast) the cool shots pop out.
I happened to be at the right place at the right time the other day, and spent all my money on a new camera. Not because I needed it, but because I wanted it. That`s a good feeling! I couldn`t afford a lens, but I ordered an adaptor that will let me use an old $10 lens that I got a few years ago. Hopefully the adaptor will show up in a few days.
The camera looks like it`s been used a lot, and hopefully it will continue to get used. A lot of these are being displayed in shelfs, they`re decorative, and oozes of quality - I`ll bring mine everywhere, and USE it. I promise!!!
Minox Leica M3