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A few months ago, my hard-disk crashed, and all my photos got lost. Exept for those I had on cd`s. Luckily, I didn`t throw it away, because today I got a "USB to IDE cable." I scanned the disk for viruses, and it works!!!
This photo is one I didn`t remember at all. I have the negatives, but haven`t looked at them since last summer...
Ok. I told you we are leaving for Tunisia tomorrow. I wanted to check out the weather, and did a Google. "Webcamera Tunisia". Don`t know if it`s hot there. The girls that showed up at my screen were, and I totally forgot to ask about the weather...
I`ve packed a few cameras, and lots of film. See you all in about a week.
Nikon F-90x
Ilford pan 50
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We`re going to Monastir in Tunisia next saturday! Goodbye
snow, goodbye
ice, goodbye
I look forward to photograph in a totally new and unknown (to me) environment.
Nikon D-70s
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Took a small trip to "Røed Gård" again today. These people really knows what a pig needs. (No, the animals.)
I`ve photographed them
Today, one of them tried to eat my lens, and if you`d ever looked closely at a pigs mouth, you`ll probably understand what the glass on this lens looks like now.
Nikon D-70s
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I put a tulip on the light-table, placed a reflector over and behind it, and voila!
Nikon D-70s
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This is Kaja (5) on her way to visit her grandmother. I wanted her to comment on this one, and she was clear as always: "Ugly. Too dark. (But it`s not your fault - it
was dark that night...)
Nikon D70s
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Yesterdays weather was perfect for night-photography. Allmost full moon, not a cloud in sight, and not too cold. I live close to the sea, and often when I don`t know where I`m heading, I end up near water. Yesterday was no exeption, and I got a few usable frames. This is probably not the most exiting shot, but I like it anyhow. ( Karlsvogna is the name of the starsign.)
I`m getting more used to the D70 now, and haven`t developed a roll of film in almost a month. I just bougt 30 rolls of Fuji acros 100, medium format film for a portrait-project I`m planning.
Nikon D70s
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This photograph was taken with the same camera and the same film as the previous, but I think it looks very different.
Holga 120s
Kodak T-Max400
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This was taken using the Holga. Looks like I got a little too close. It`s not exactly pin-sharp, but I think it works.
I have one more of these, and it`s quite different, even though I used the Holga and the same film. I`ll post it next time.
Holga 120s
Kodak T-Max 400
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I photographed Trym and his older brother and sister in November. I used the Hasselblad and black & white film. Almost all the frames were good, but this is my favorite. I`ll show you two where I used the Holga too. They`re not bad either.
I`m sorry I haven`t updated as often as I use to, but the last month were crazy in many ways. I`ve photographed, but didn`t feel like spending too much time in front of the computer.
Hasselblad 503 cx
Kodak T-Max400