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Used an old Zeiss-Ikon Nettar folding camera. The image is 6x9 cm`s, and I had to choose a part of the negative to scan because of the limits of my scanner. It reminds me of the Diana and Holga photographs I used to take a few years ago. Feels like I have to do a certain kind of photography with these cameras.
Have been studying lots of webloggs lately, and found a new site of interest. Believe it or not, the photographer lives in Poland, and I don`t know why I`m so drawn towards that country, but there is something that hits me hard. You will not find one photograph of someone's I-Pod, no macro of a gold showerhead, or a Britney Spears lookalike. This is for real. Enjoy.

Zeiss-Ikon Nettar
Kodak T-Max400


3 Doors

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I have developed the roll from my Zeiss-Ikon Nettar 6x9, and the negatives looks great, but how do I scan them? Maybe just put them straight on the flatbed-scanner?
No time to try it now.

Hasselblad 503cx
Kodak Technical Pan 50



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Some of the pictures on this blog is from Italy. I spent ten days on a photo workshop in 2000.
This was no vacation, and I usually went to bed at about the same time that I get up now...One night, I had to leave the darkroom because I was so tired i almost fell asleep under one of the enlargers. I crawled up the stairs in this beautiful Italian house owned by a local fisherman, and as I opened the door to the livingroom, this is what I saw: Shadows created by the moonlight entering the window. The curtains moved because of the wind, and the shadows changed, and I don`t know if it was the wine, or the fact that I was too tired to think just felt magic. I honestly don`t remember taking the picture. But I must have. It`s here.

Pentax Me-Super
Agfa apx400


At night

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Dragged my butt out and away from the screen, and photographed. I can`t figure out why it is so hard to get out when it is so much fun once I`m there... I photographed snow and ice, a stream and moving objects...People seem to think Norway is filled with snow and polarbears trolls and nice relatives, but it`s not. It`s more like six months of grey foggy,rainy fall. With sunshine once in a while. Now, we have had snow for about two weeks, and today it started raining again, so I have to react when I get a chance.
This blog does force me to react. I think it`s good.

Pentax Me-Super
Agfa RSX 100



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Heard that about 50% of all Japanese people have toilets with a seat that can wash, and blowdry their behinds. It saves lots of toiletpaper. It`s been common there for twenty years. Now they are marketing them in Norway too.
On my way to work the other day, I discovered that my dear neighbour had lost his newspaper outside his door.

Holga 120s
Agfa apx400


2 Plasser

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Been surfing the net instead of photographing the last days, and that is not very healthy. Look forward to long summer nights, plenty of light. Have forgotten to develop a b/w film from a few days ago. Must remember to do it tomorrow. Short of inspiration. Need to be kicked really hard to get out and do something! H E L P

Hasselblad 503cx
Kodak Technical Pan 50


Expect a miracle 3

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Here, you have a link to a photographer that I think will be The Next Great. She lives in Poland. Had she lived in the US, she already would have been one of Them.
Or maybe she is so good because she lives where she lives...I don`t know.
When I look at her photographs, I don`t only see, I feel too!
Take a close look.

Nikon F-90X
Kodak T-max400



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Brought an old Zeiss-Ikon Nettar to work today. It takes 120 film, and the negatives are 6x9 cm`s. Have no idea how to scan them if they turn out good...The camera seemed to work fine, but it is strange to hold and not very practical to use outside when the wind blows, it snows, and my boss is wondering why the heck I`m standing still on the same spot for five minutes inspecting the ground.
Speaking of easy use...My Polaroid se-600 is a joy to use. I`m lefthanded, and the grip on this camera is on the left side, with the button for the shutter on the index finger. Like shooting a gun, only more silent.
The downside is I don`t have a rollfilm back, only polaroid, but if anyone has one they don`t need, and want to trade...let me know.

Hasselblad 503cx
Agfa apx100



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Listening to Tom Waits "The piano has been drinking".
Sometimes when I look at my pictures I wonder if my camera has been drinking.
Why do some people respond to a photograph, and some not?
Don`t they see the same image ?
Why is it that some great photographers make lousy photographs, and some not so great photographers make beautiful photographs? Is the answer taste?

And what is the guy to the left doing?

Hasselblad 503cx
Agfa Rsx100



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Natural light, shot on the green carpet on my veranda.
The flowers were to beautiful to not be photographed.

Yashicaflex TLR
Agfa RSX100


Do they know it`s Christmas

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I have modified my Holga with a wideangle lens. The lens is attached with black sticky tape, and this works fine. I have to admit there is a focus problem here, but sometimes sharpness is not what I want. Sometimes I don`t want to document something, but to make something. I want to make a photograph. Some people think you have to know everything about classical music, read poems, have a degree in literature, have traveled around the world, and love strange food to be taken seriously in the art-world.
I think all of this is great luggage. But to be a good tennis player, you should If you want to be a great photographer...shoot. A lot.

Holga 120s
Agfa RSX 200


Anton from behind

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He is a bull terrier, and this is what he looks like.

Holga 120s
Agfa RSX100


In the backyard

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This is the last picture from the spooky backyard series. I really hope you can see the person on screen. Otherwise, the pic is useless.
The first snow came today, and everything looks so much nicer. Have to photograph while the snow is still white. Brought a camera at work - have to if I will continue to post a new photograph every day. Read about pinhole photography, and might try to make one out of my polaroid studio camera. The one that takes four portraits... Instead it could take four pinhole- photos!!! Will use hammer on it in a few days. What can possibly go wrong?

Hasselblad 503cx
Kodak Technical Pan (1984)



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To walk straight in to someone's backyard and start photographing is not very polite.
Sometimes bad things can happen. This time I felt something bad had already happened and that now everything had calmed down.
Yesterdays post together with today and tomorrows post is from this very special backyard. I can`t say something bad has happened here, but I sure can say it felt like it. Creepy, spooky, and not a place I would take night-photos.

Hasselblad 503cx
Kodak Technical Pan (1984)


The wall

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From the same old film...
Need more time to photograph. It`s already dark when I finish work, so I guess I will have to bring my camera and do something there...Photographed a friend yesterday, but messed up while developing. 1/25 is not the same as 1/10. Was in a hurry, and made developer that could kill a horse and develop 10 rolls in about a second. I saved the horse, but got 2 black rolls of film. One of them was my golden vintage 1984 mod. Kodak tec. pan.
Only 13 left...
If anyone know of a good low grain film/developer combo, please let me know.
I`ve heard that Kodak T-max 100 in D-76 is great, but I don`t know...

Hasselblad 503cx
Kodak Technical Pan (1984)


Little old lady

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Managed to remove most of the dust from yesterdays floor-cleaning. This is outdated film again (1984). Must have been a great year...I guess I`m getting more fond of finegrained film again. Will try to rate Agfa APX 100 at 50 asa to see what happens. I`ve used AGFA films for years, and now that I have started to experiment with all of these old films, I`m getting confused.
Grain used to be something I I`m not so sure. Used to think grain=raw and real.
Now it`s more like low quality or bad luck...
Well - what do you think of Little old lady?

Hasselblad 503cx
Kodak Technical Pan 6415



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Used a roll of outdated film again today. I struggled like hell to get the film into the spiral when I should develop tonight. Lost it on the floor, curled it, ripped it, had to cut it several times...the pics turned out GREAT. After they had dryed, I put them in these plastic-file-things...can`t find the word....THEN...I lost the best strip on the floor again, and hey, my servants did a terrible job cleaning today...looks like a rug. Will scan tomorrow, and hopefully post one of them. Will not touch anything fragile or expensive tonight.

Hasselblad 503cx
Agfa apx400


Valentines day

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I wanted to push my own limits - they accepted. Handheld medium format camera in a damp bathroom. This is the only one that turned out close to sharp. The room was lit by candle-lights, we had wine and nice music. My wife measured light, suggested angles, and made sure no one had empty glasses.
This could have been the most nervewrecking project to me, but it turned out just fun and nice. If someone had told me a few years ago that I was going to photograph a naked couple without freaking out, I would have laughed out loud.
What used to be frightening is not.
Things I used to do - scare me.

Hasselblad 503cx
Ilford Delta 3200



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She was so concentrated, I shot almost a roll before she noticed what I was doing.
One of my photoprojects is "a photo a day". One picture of Kaja every single day. It`s so difficult to remember, and I often have to photograph her after she has got to bed. Then I hear from her room: "Hey, we forgot to take today`s". The intention is to just catch the moment, no portraits, just a quick shot, no matter what she does. If she sleeps over at her grandparents, the camera follows her. I started when she was a year and a half, now she is four and a half, and we have a few big albums now...
I got the idea when I heard about the film-maker Ingmar Bergman, who mounted a camera in the ceiling, over his daughters bed. He took one shot every day, and used the pics in a "movie", showing this baby girl turning around in her bed, growing...

Nikon EL
Agfa APX400


Expect a miracle 2

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Another favorite from Expect a miracle.

Hasselblad 503cx
Agfa apx400


Expect a miracle

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Ok. Here is the first picture from the series "Expect a miracle". I photographed this band a few weeks ago, and`s done. They have seen most of the pictures, and are going to use them on their website. It`s been a lot more work than I thought it would be. They were very professional and easy to work with, and that helped a lot.

Nikon F-90x
Kodak T-max 400



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Been too lazy to post. Camped in a tent with my brother-in-law this weekend, we borrowed a canoe and played vikings. It was freezing cold, woke up at about four in the morning, shaking.
There was ice on the lake, and I felt happy. It felt nice to do something different than the boring 24-7-365 shit I usually do. Took lots of pictures, but only nice postcard- style shots.
I think they are boring to look at, but it`s fun to document the stories I tell.
"It was REALLY great out there...See for yourself"
Todays photo was taken in May this year, at about six in the morning. Just an hour and a half before I got to work. Now that`s discipline...

Hasselblad 503cx
Agfa RSX100


A head

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Saw "Jason Bourne" last week, and a picture has been on my mind since that...Jason Bourne has murdered a girls parents, and meets her years later. This is the picture: Widescreen, her face in the right corner of the screen, she is in profile looking to the left. We can see tears from her eyes, the rest of the screen, about 80% is totally blurred, yellow, green...
Don`t know why, but I can`t stop thinking about it...
Going on a trip, and can`t post anything until Sunday.
Will bring camera :)

Olympus XA
agfa apx400


I saw Him

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A few days ago, a friend gave me a Canon demi ee17. It`s an mid- sixties half frame camera that looks brand new. The design is so cool, it must have been made by a genius. It takes 72 pictures on a 36 exposure roll...It is a little strange to use, but give me a few more days, and I guess I will enjoy it even more. Hope you like today's post. When I made a print of this, I saw Jesus. I was not prepared.

Nikon F-401x
Agfa Apx400



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This is for all of us. We`ll need it.

Nikon EL2
Agfa Apx400


At night

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As you can see, I have started to make links so that you can use Next and Previous- buttons.
This is work for people who can concentrate for more than two minutes, and for you computerfreaks: I`m using 100% of my CPU. This may take a few days, and there might be some strange things happening too. Be patient.
To all Americans: Tonight`s the night!
Vote. For the other guy ;)

Nikon El2
Agfa Apx400


But he never inhaled

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My Vespa didn`t run that good, but by the help of a proffessional - it still doesn`t run good.

Hasselblad 503cx
Agfa Apx400


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