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This kind of pictures is just so silly, but I couldn`t resist.
Nikon F-90xAgfa RSX 200
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Found a book at the library by
Rune Johansen. I was absolutely amazed. His photos were so different from what I expected. They are simple portraits of people and interiors from Norways northern parts. It`s a classical story: man working in a big company, dreaming of doing something else,loves photography, visit the place he grew up, bring camera, BANG!
"Instead of finding myself, my photographs found me..."
Next to each of the photographs is a small text related to the photo. Often funny, always interesting - almost like in a photoblog.
Holga 120sKodak T-Max400
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My Holga has collected a lot of dust lately, it used to be my pet. I photographed at a car-show last weekend, and thought it could be nice to bring it. To my big surprise, something went wrong. There`s a small red window at the back of the camera where you can see the framenumber, and by accident, it has been switched to the setting I use when I want the pictures to be 6 x 4,5 instead of 6x6 cm. What happened was that all my frames overlapped each other. A pure double exposure can be fun once in a blue moon, but this was just sad. I had to crop all the photos, and lost the cool vignette in the corners of the frames. Instead I got some trees in the corners, and in another photo, the back of Kaja`s head.
Holga 120sKodak T-Max 400
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I have a tendency to forget where I put things. And when I look for it, my eyes adjust and act like a 400mm telephoto-lens at 1.7. ( Sometimes with a diffusion filter attached to it.) I know some people think I`m ignorant because I don`t say hello every time they spot me in a crowd, but I honestly doesn`t see them, I have a very narrow focus-point. I use it to my advantage. I can spot a crappy camera on a flea-market at huge distances, but can`t find my shoes when I`m in a hurry. I can find a one inch long fish on the pavement, but can`t find my car outside the mall. Some might say that`s pretty close to stupid.
But I don`t think so. Someone stupid wouldn`t photograph that dead dry fish and hang the photo on their wall, would they?
Pentax Me-SuperAgfa RSX200
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I wanted to take a look at a few slides the other day, but couldn`t find my projector. I had photographed a girl, and thought the slides looked too dark when I they lay on the light-table. I found it in my closet behind a record-player, a few empty boxes, and a bag full of socks. When I think about it, I guess I haven`t used it in over a year. The scanner and the screen has definitely taken over, but holy mackerel did that photograph look good on the wall! At two by two meters it looked amazing, and it did not look amazing on my screen...
For economical reasons, I always order just development, I want the slides unmounted. Usually there`s only one or two frames I want to use, and that`s the reason why my projector is rarely used. Now I wonder what the big slides from the Hasselblad would look like if I ever got my hands on one of those BIG projectors...
Does anyone use them anymore?
Pentax Me-SuperAgfa RSX 200
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I was running after a taxi when I spotted this old lady. I took the picture before I realized the flash was on, and got a little upset because I thought this would ruin the photo I
saw. Now, I think the flash saved this shot, and I know that if I had stopped to turn it off, it would be a very different picture.
Nikon F401xAgfa RSX100