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Found on one of my trips.
Canon Canonet QL17 GIII
Kodak T-Max 400
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I hate to wait every time I wash my tiger. This time I went out pretty late at night. No one in line. Just a few regulars hanging on the corner.
Nikon D70s
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Working with just one light, and our homemade reflector made of cardboard and tin foil.
Nikon D-70s
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I love to photograph scenes like this.
Chet Baker`s "almost blue" on the mp3.
I felt awake.
Canon Canonet QL17 GIII
Kodak T-Max400
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I think the best light for portraiture is natural light. This was shot in the shade, against a dirty wall. We always use a reflector to fill in the shades, but this time I thought I didn`t need it.
I`m happy with the result, I think they look GREAT, but I wish I had listened to Jeanette, and used the reflector. A little more light thrown back to their faces would give this photograph some more depht.
Still learning. And having fun!
Hasselblad 503cx
Agfa apx400
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I saw a documentary called "
Easy Riders, Raging Bulls" a few nights ago. You should see it too. It was about american filmmakers and actors from late 60`s to mid 70`s. One of them spoke about how people like Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, George Lucas, Steven Speilberg, Robert Deniro and many others used to hang out in a house someone rented somewhere in California. They were more or less unknown, but willing to experiment (in a lot of ways...), and dared to do things others said was impossible. They discussed filmmaking, books, music, and arts in general. They supported eachother, and showed up when their friends had openings at galleries or premieres. They all needed the support their friends gave them. It made them better as artists.
Thank you for visiting.
Canon QL17 GIII
Kodak T-Max400
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I can`t say this enough times: Film feels more "alive" than digital. I have used the d-70 a lot lately, but I don`t feel comfortable with it yet. It lacks "soul". My goal is to bring it everywhere, use it a lot, and finaly magic might start to happen...
I noticed that there were a few frames left on some T-Max400 film in my Canon QL17, and felt my heart pound! Finished the roll in about 5 seconds, and look forward to develop it tonight.
Holga 120s
Agfa APX400